Notas 13/08/2021, 0 Comment 14Why the Argentine Government has not explained that vitamin D deficiency weakens human bodies and, therefore, it is possible to be infected with the “covid-19” and other diseases?
This vitamin D deficiency not only happens in Argentina. It is estimated 30% of North American population do not have the correct level per liter of blood.
The main producer of vitamin D is the sun. The sun acts on human skin and through different organisms, generates this medicine that stimulates the body´s natural defenses against several diseases. Among others, the covid-19.-
The Irish Parliament Health Committee recently issued statements referring the alarming low levels of vitamin D in adult population, which is linked to worse health outcomes in relation to
Covid-19. The report recommends that every adult in Ireland should start taking Vitamin D. in order to prevent diseases.-
Here, in Tierra del Fuego ( Argentinian southest province), where people are not exposed to the sun because of the clime, children between 1 and 19 years old and pregnant women at any gestation point are being supplemented with vitamin D, in three annual doses. The province authorities, years before the pandemic, had warned their inhabitants of vitamin D deficiency and covered the deficit with industrially produced vitamin D. Unfortunately; they did not encompass the entire population.
It is unacceptable that the national authorities have not tried to investigate how much vitamin D deficiency we have in Argentina. This deficiency has weakened the immune reserves of millions of beings and explain the terrible numbers of infections and deaths we have.
This arguments have been published by this article author at least since eight months ago in several opportunities without being paid attention by the rulers, and, more over, they have ignored a very important advise to reestablish the proper amount of vitamin D:It is necessary to take a half an hour sunshine, daily and to help physical strength with 30 minutes’ walk..
The American Medical Association established the minimum limit of 50 micrograms of vitamin D
per liter of blood.-
So far, our Argentine authorities have not tried to know the reality of Argentine health situation in this regard and to correct it as soon as possible. Vaccines are essential but so it is to have the right percentage of vitamin D.
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